
If plan A fails, remember you have 25 other letters left.

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Get in touch about any projects you have in mind!

Web Design
Website Design & Development. Customising and improving your digital footprint in an ever-changing world of 1's and 0's.
Capture some of the best moments in life. In front of our eyes for 30 seconds, digitally embossed forever.
A/V Technicals
Lights, Sound and Video. Performances are not the same without them.

About Me

I’m a Sole Trader (theCryptoid), I love problem solving, learning more about the things i’m interested in.
I’ve recently made the jump into being self-employed, and although it brings it challenges, it also brings new skills and opportunities.
I enjoy outdoor sports, such as rock climbing, kayaking and hiking.
I’ve entered into programming and building competitions, such as PA Consulting, International Artificial Intelligence Fair, and many many more.

Get In Touch